Questions and Answers
jQuery and Javascript
- How do you display HTML code in your pages?
- Hide/Show page elements by changing the class or changing the style.display
- Visual effects with jQuery (sliding and fading)
- How do you alter the contents of a drop-down based on a radio-button?
- JavaScript to grab the left or right characters from a string
- JavaScript to limit form field input text to specific characters
- Javascript function for reading URL parameters
- Dynamically update page content when user clicks on a link
- Validation with Radio Buttons
- Validation with Select Boxes
- How do you get the value of a form input with jQuery?
Sample Pages
- Order Form for pizza
- Select Box onchange event and custom attributes
- Making expandible content (adding "Read More" and "Read Less" controls
- Hide/Show Previous Employer field sets
- Javascript photo carousel
- Javascript photo carousel with image links
- Javascript photo carousel with image links and custom HTML
- jQuery photo gallery - slick effects
- Mock Contact Management Form
- Simple CAPTCHA using Classic ASP and javqascript
- Creating dynamic drop-down lists using jQuery's .getScript()
Your feedback please
If you enjoyed the site, be sure to let me know. And if you have ideas on how it can be improved, please give me your feedback.